Single tooth
Glasgow Implant Centre

Single tooth

Single tooth

Replace A Single Missing Tooth in Glasgow

Smile again with confidence. Replace a missing tooth with a dental implant for a permanent and natural looking solution.

Replace A Missing or Failing Tooth in Glasgow

A missing tooth or a tooth that is in very bad condition can cause embarrassment and may affect your ability to chew, eat and even speak confidently.

Perhaps you’ve lost a tooth through decay or trauma? Perhaps your tooth has gradually become loose over the years, and you no longer feel comfortable smiling or meeting other people?

The good news is that there are several options to replace your missing tooth.

At the Dental Implant Centre in Glasgow, we have helped hundreds of patients to regain their smile and their confidence. Patients travel from Paisley, Stirling and throughout Scotland to see us because we have many years of experience in offering top quality care and we know that we can help you too. 

At your initial dental implant consultation

At your initial consultation we take time to get to know you and ask questions. We will examine your teeth, find out what you would like to achieve and talk through the options to replace a single missing tooth.

Some of the things that we will want to talk to you about include:

Where in your mouth is your missing tooth? Is it at the front of your mouth where it is more noticeable? Or is it at the back of your mouth?

We will check on the health of your other teeth to find out if there are any other teeth that are loose or in poor condition. You may want to consider if you would like to replace any other teeth.

We will also chat about your general health and your lifestyle. Are you generally fit and well? Do you smoke?

Finally, we will take x-rays and scans of your teeth and mouth, and this will tell us more about your oral health.

What are the options to replace a single missing tooth in Glasgow?

If you have one missing tooth, the professional and highly experienced team at The Dental Implant Centre in Glasgow will talk you through the options to replace it at your consultation.


Dentures can be used to replace one missing tooth, several missing teeth or a complete set. A denture is made from an acrylic plate that fits over your gum and contains a false tooth to replace your missing tooth.

Dentures are removable and you take them out every night to clean them and to rest your gums. In recent years, dentures have become more personalised so that the false tooth looks natural and matches your other teeth beautifully. Dentures are also easy to fit.

The downside of dentures is that they are not a permanent option. You need to remove and clean them every evening. Over time, they may start to slip and become uncomfortable and so they will need re-lining or replacing. You will need to be careful with eating certain foods when wearing dentures.

A dental bridge

If the neighbouring teeth to your missing tooth are healthy, you may want to consider a dental bridge as an option to replace a missing tooth.

A dental bridge contains a false tooth which is bonded to the natural teeth on either side of the gap in your mouth using dental crowns.

Dental bridges offer a more permanent solution than dentures as they are fixed in place. A dental bridge contains a bespoke false tooth so they look natural and will help protect the long-term health of your adjacent teeth.

The disadvantage of a dental bridge is that it will still need replacing after about 15 years. Bridges require anchoring in place with crowns to the neighbouring teeth. This means a small amount of enamel must be removed from the healthy neighbouring teeth which may cause issues in the future.

Single tooth dental implant

A dental implant is the most natural and permanent solution for a single missing tooth. A titanium rod is placed in your jawbone which acts like your new tooth root. This is connected by an abutment to your bespoke dental crown or false tooth which sits in your gum and blends in naturally with your other teeth.

 A dental implant looks and functions like your other teeth. You do not need to worry about removing it to clean it, nor do you need to worry about avoiding certain foods.

 A dental implant has a lifespan of about 30 years, but with good maintenance can last a lifetime. As the dental implant acts like a replacement tooth root, it better preserves the bone in your jaw as well as the health of your adjacent teeth.

Book A Consultation and learn how we can restore you smile and confidence

How I-Smile Single Can Help with One Missing Tooth?

A dental implant offers a natural and permanent solution to replace a missing tooth.

The i-Smile was created by a leading dental implantologist at The Dental Implant Centre Glasgow as a way of making sure that the number of appointments for the dental implant process was kept to a minimum.

With i-Smile, the dental implant process for a single missing tooth is completed in a maximum of 7 appointments and surgical time is fixed to a maximum of 2 hours.

Patients from Dumbarton, Glasgow and throughout Scotland who have a single missing tooth will receive a bespoke i-Smile Single treatment plan.

Firstly, this may involve removing a decayed or failing tooth. Next, dental implant surgery will involve placing a dental implant to either the upper or lower jawbone. Finally, a temporary false tooth is fitted so that you are not left with a gap.

During the healing period, we wait for an important process known as osteointegration to occur and this is where the dental implant fuses with the jawbone and ensures the long-term success of your dental implant.

Also, during this time, our expert team at The Dental Implant Centre in Glasgow will construct your bespoke false tooth. It is shaped and colour-matched to fit your mouth perfectly. Your final appointment in Glasgow will be to fit your bespoke dental crown.

Dental Implants Treatment Options


From £35.67 Per Month

We provide dental implant treatment for replacing a single tooth


From £71.34 Per Month*

We have dental implants treatment for multiple missing teeth


From £199.42 per Month

We offer treatment to replace all the teeth on your lower or upper jaw


We provide denture stabilisation using dental implant treatment