Multiple teeth missing
Glasgow Implant Centre

Multiple teeth missing

Multiple teeth missing

Replace Many Missing Teeth in Glasgow

Multiple missing teeth can cause embarrassment and affect how you interact with other people. Permanently replace many missing teeth with dental implants and regain your confidence as well as your smile.

Multiple Missing or Failing Teeth in Glasgow

If you have many missing teeth or many teeth which are in poor condition, you may find it embarrassing to smile. You may feel self-conscious and lacking in confidence.

You may also find that multiple missing teeth causes you pain when you eat or affects how you speak. Many missing teeth can make you look older too.

The good news is that you don’t have to put up with gaps in your mouth or live with teeth which are loose or decayed.

At The Dental Implant Centre in Glasgow, we understand how a beautiful smile can instantly make you look more attractive and boost your confidence. We have helped hundreds of patients with missing teeth from Paisley, Dumbarton and throughout Scotland. There are several options to replace missing teeth and we will work with you to find out which are the best for you.

Book a free consultation with our friendly and expert team to find out more about replacing missing teeth.

Book A Consultation and learn how we can restore you smile and confidence

What are the options to replace multiple missing teeth in Glasgow?

There are several ways that we can help to replace many missing teeth. Our professional team in Glasgow will work with you to help you understand which is the best option for you.

At your free consultation at The Dental Implant Centre in Glasgow, we will have a chat with you and examine your teeth and mouth. We will look at where in your mouth your missing teeth are, how many missing teeth you have and examine the health of any remaining teeth. We will talk about your oral and general health and discuss your lifestyle. All these factors will help us to decide which options for missing teeth are best suited to you.


Dentures can be used to replace a single missing tooth, several missing teeth or they can be used to replace a full set of missing teeth.

An acrylic plate is custom-made to fit your mouth and contains false teeth in the spaces where you have missing teeth. You remove your dentures every evening to clean them and rest your gums.

In recent years, the way in which dentures are made has improved so that they look more natural. They are easy to fit and are the most cost-effective option to replace missing teeth.

The disadvantage of dentures is that they are not the most permanent option to replace missing teeth – they must be removed each evening to be cleaned. Patients often find that they need to avoid certain foods when wearing dentures. The average lifespan for dentures is about 7 years. After this time, dentures may begin to slip in your mouth or start to feel uncomfortable and you will need to have them re-lined or replaced.

Dental Bridges

Dental bridges are another option to replace multiple missing teeth. Bridges need healthy teeth on which to anchor the bridge between the missing teeth. The bridge is held in place with crowns at either side of the gap.

Bridges are a good option for missing teeth at the back of the mouth. They also improve the appearance of your smile and your ability to chew properly. Unlike dentures, dental bridges are fixed in your mouth. One of our professional team in Glasgow will assess at your initial consultation  whether dental bridges are an option to replace your missing teeth.

Dental Implants

Dental implants permanently replace missing teeth. They look and function like natural teeth and will give you the chance to smile, talk and eat with confidence.

Dental implants can be used to replace a single missing tooth, many missing teeth or they can be used to replace a complete set of teeth.

A dental implant is made up of three parts. The implant is made of titanium and is gently placed into your jawbone which acts as your replacement tooth root. An abutment connects this to a personalised dental crown which is the new false tooth and is visible in the gum.

Once dental implants have fused with your jawbone, they will last for about 30 years but with good care can last a lifetime. There is no need to remove dental implants to clean them or worry about avoiding certain foods. Dental implants look and act like natural teeth.

Dental implants help to preserve your jawbone and can protect the health of any remaining teeth that you have. In working with your jawbone, they help to give structure to your face – reducing the sunken look that can often occur with missing teeth and which can make you look older.

How I-Smile Can Help with Multiple Missing Teeth

I-Smile was created by a leading dental implantologist at The Dental Implant Centre with the aim of reducing the amount of appointments and surgical time needed to complete the dental implant process. 

I-Smile aims to complete the dental implant process for patients from Glasgow, Stirling and Scotland within a maximum number of 7 appointments and with a maximum surgery time of 2 hours.

Whilst every patient is unique, the dental implant process can broadly fit into 3 categories:

The i-Smile Same Day

If you have many missing teeth, no teeth at all or many teeth in poor condition, the i-Smile Same Day is a good option for you.  The i-Smile Same Day means you will get replacement teeth on the same day as having your dental implants fitted so that you are not left with gaps in your mouth.

If you have any teeth in bad condition, these are gently extracted first at The Dental Implant Centre in Glasgow.

You will then receive 6 dental implants to either your upper or lower jaw.

A temporary bridge is then fitted to your dental implants spanning the gaps for many missing teeth and containing temporary prosthetic teeth.

A final custom-made bridge containing your bespoke prosthetic teeth is fitted at a later date.

The i-Smile Graft

If, during your initial consultation, we discover that you do not have sufficient bone in your jaw to support dental implants, we can add an extra step to the i-Smile Same Day dental implant process to include a bone grafting stage. We take a small amount of bone from your sinus area, and this enables us to continue with the dental implant process.

The i-Smile Bespoke

This final option is a high-end all-inclusive service that incorporates up to 10 dental implants per jaw with bespoke ceramic crowns. During this process, the dental implants are placed at your second appointment and your bespoke set of teeth are fitted at a later stage once your dental implants have fused with your jawbone.

To find out more about i-Smile and the different dental implant options, book your free consultation at The Dental Implant Centre in Glasgow.

Dental Implants Treatment Options


From £35.67 Per Month

We provide dental implant treatment for replacing a single tooth


From £71.34 Per Month*

We have dental implants treatment for multiple missing teeth


From £199.42 per Month

We offer treatment to replace all the teeth on your lower or upper jaw


We provide denture stabilisation using dental implant treatment